Muckleshoot Scholarship Department
The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe believes that each tribal member should have the opportunity and support from the Tribe to achieve his or her educational goals. The Tribe views the Higher Education and Vocational-Technical Scholarship Program as an investment in both the tribal member and the future of the tribal community.
Tribal members who meet the eligibility requirements will be supported to the greatest extent possible by the Tribe. Support is intended to be in the form of financial assistance as well as academic support so that tribal members can have the greatest success possible. The following guidelines will be used by the Education Committee and staff to administer the Higher Education and Vocational-Technical Program to achieve the policies of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe.
A variety of Vocational and Non-Vocational Certifications are funded by Muckleshoot Scholarship. This may include tuition, books, and living expenses. Not all certifications are covered.
All Tribal members should have the opportunity to achieve their educational goals regardless of disabilities. The Developmental Disabilities program provides assistance to Muckleshoot Tribal members with disabilities that impact their life activities and educational progress. In the past, the Developmental Disabilities program funded Diagnosis of Developmental or Learning Disabilities, Educational Testing and Evaluations, and Specialized Tutoring.
For questions on any of our programs, call us, email us, drop by our offices, or visit our website: http://www.muckleshoot.nsn.us/services/department-of-education/financial-aid.aspx
Tribal members who wish to study for and receive a General Education Diploma (GED) may receive financial support from the Scholarship Program. Tribal members who are enrolled in a GED certification program may receive support until they receive their GED.
Workshops & Training Programs
The Workshops & Training Program funds enrolled Tribal members to attend workshops, conferences, or trainings outside of the Reservation for personal and educational improvement and growth. Tribal members who wish to attend training sessions or workshops can apply for up to $1,800 once every 2 years (January 1st-December 31st). Workshop funds registration fees, airfare and other transportation expenses, hotel, and per diem.